The Sim

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The Sim

The NAME is a Class starship.  are the 24th Century's workhorse.  Each one comes outfitted for a specif task, indicated by colored striping that matches the Starfleet Operational format.  While built more as a support vessel, have been known to be tough little ships that proved their worth despite their reputation.  We will operate in an area where Starfleet's presence is limited and the ideal "paradise" of the Federation are but a dream.

About Us

The NAME is the light in the darkenss.  We are the candle that pushes back the darkenss.  This phrase fits us in two ways.  We seek to explore the unknown and to expand the knowledge base of the Federation.    Our area of operation will be the far flung areas of Federation territory where the time between starship visits could be measured in years.  We will offer hope to those who need it, we will push the boundaries of scientific advancement, and we will expand the frontier and bring the unknown to light.

We Need You

To all of us, simming is a hobby where we can escape our ordinary lives and create extraordinary adventures.  All of us imagine something greater.  It is my hope that the Rhea can become a group of players who share compassion for each other and a desire to be a true community.  Do you want to join a group where our characters are challenged to grow?  Do you want to be part of a community that encourages each other's creativity and takes joy in what makes each other unique, where each person is more than just an avenue to get the post count higher?

If this sounds like you, I encourage you to join us on Discord and get to know us, ask us questions, and to give us a chance.